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Freitag, 11. Mai 2018

für ein/e Mädchen/Frau...

...zum 40. Geburtstag

#107 dies or punches bei creative craft cottage

...zum Muttertag 

2 Kommentare:

  1. Love this! Thanks so much for participating in Love To Scrap Challenge Blog's May "Anything Goes" challenge! Sorry for the late post - have been having internet issues.
    Leslie, LTSCB DT
    Love To Scrap 2
    Love To Scrap!

  2. Back with my other DT hat! Love this! Thanks so much for participating in the Love To Craft's "May Anything Goes" challenge! Sorry for the late comment - have been having internet issues.
    Leslie, LTCCB DT
    Love To Scrap 2
    Love To Scrap!
